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Misfire detection.

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Q: What causes engine light to blink?
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Related questions

What causes the check engine light to blink on and off and then stop blink and turn off?

It is indicating that there is a fault with the engine of the car. You need to take it to a garage for repair/service.

What causes check engine light to blink on and off?

Check to see if your gas cap is tight.

Why does your check engine light blink?

A flashing check engine light is usually an indication of a misfire.

What causes your park brake light and battery light to blink?

The button on your dashboard

What causes check engine light to blink and car to buck?

If the MIL blinks at the moment the engine bucks, them its a cold stall, were the engine is about to turn off, if the light is blinking on its own, is impossible, MIL are constantly on, because its a emission related code.

Why check engine lamp blink?

A flashing engine light is usually a misfire.

How do you check engine codes on a 1993 jeep?

With a scan tool, or try turning key on, off, on, off, on and counting the blinks of the check engine light. blink, blink, blink, pause, blink would be 31.

What causes the service engine light to blink in a 1997 Ford Taurus GL?

This happens when there is an Active Misfire, or a urgent pending service matter. Get your codes checked.

Why does a check engine light blink on a 1998 Mazda 626?

If the check engine light is blinking , an engine cylinder misfire has been detected

Why does the check engine light blink on your 1998 mercury mountaineer?

An engine misfire has been detected

What causes the Ac light to blink on 1993 tercel?

Low refrigerant charge?

How do you get check engine codes without an obd?

On some if you turn key on, off, on, off, on. The check engine light may start to flash the code. blink, blink, bink, pause blink would be 31.