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Q: What can you put in a jetski gas tank to ruin it all you want is an answer not some type of moral story?
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What is the fable about?

Your Question is not very well worded. A fable is a short story that at the end of it has some kind of teaching or moral.

Give you some moral of the story wall e?

I guess that the moral of the story is that us humans should take care of our Earth, not depend on modern technologies and be less lazy. or also not runaway from our mistakes and expect something else to clean it up for you.

Why fairy tale is not fables?

Fables have some form f moral to the story, whereas that is not necessarily the case with fairy tales

Why do some teachers ruin the students childhood?

Because You ruin their adulthood

Moral lessom of the story of the moth?

The moral lesson of the story of the moth is that obsession and attraction to something can lead to self-destruction. Just like how the moth is drawn to the flame, some desires can be harmful if pursued without caution and awareness of the consequences. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked impulses.

Can you still wakeboard if you dont have a boat?

I have seen some places were you are pulled by a cables in the air.Other than that, you could use a jetski.

Can jetski pullwater skier?

For it to be legal, you need a three-person jetski in most jurisdictions. You need a driver, an aft-facing observer, and the skier counts as a passenger. In some jurisdictions, you can substitute large mirrors for the observer (and then you would only need a two-person jetski), however, this is a pretty dangerous shortcut to take. Safety requires someone to watch the skier constantly and report to the driver immediately.

What is the moral lesson of the story?

The moral lesson of a story is the message or teaching that the author wants readers to learn or reflect upon. It often relates to values such as honesty, kindness, perseverance, or the consequences of one's actions. It is a way for the author to convey an idea about how people should behave or think in certain situations.

What is the moral of the story Rapunzel?

The story warns youg ladies to keep their hair short,You would not want some undesirable like Prince Harry climbing up your hair now wouldn't you.

What are some long term consquences of STDs?

Long story short, they ruin your life with pain, suffering and social outcast. Nobody wants to be around someone who has an STD.

What are moral quotes from the book eye of the crow?

"Eye of the Crow" by Shane Peacock is a mystery novel, rather than a collection of moral quotes. However, some moral themes that can be inferred from the story include the importance of justice, perseverance in the face of adversity, and the value of empathy towards others.

Moral of the story of the book gulliver travels?

There is no harm in adventure and searching for some more adventure.... It always gives fun and pleasure.... "Even if we die"