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Overloading the circuit, short in the wiring, or incorrect fuse installed which is too small for the circuit. Always use the correct size fuse.

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Q: What can cause fuses to blow?
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What would cause fuses to blow in a 1994 cavalier?

possible grounded or bare wire

What would cause all the fuses in your 1997 Mazda 626 to blow?

A short circuit either in your wiring system or electrical panel could cause your fuses to blow. Most likely, it would be caused by a burned out wire which is frayed and touching a piece of metal in your vehicle.

MDL vs ADL fuses?

The difference between MDL fuses and ADL fuses are that MDL fuses are a slow blow fuse with a long time lag. ADL fuses on the other hand, are normal blow fuses with a medium time lag.

What do you use fuses in?

Electrical circuits, to limit the maximum current flow. Fuses will "blow", or burn out, and cause an open circuit, to stop the flow of current when it could potentially damage a circuit, system, or device.

Why would your lowbeam headlights quit working and cruise control?

It is possible that both of the fuses are bad for the low beam headlights and the cruise control. A loose ground wire could cause the fuses to blow.

What would cause your fuse to blow when you turn on your lights on your 1993 Mazda 323 the fuse to the tail lights on dash lights blow?

I'm not sure I understand your question. I can't tell if you have one or two different fuses "blowing." The only thing which causes fuses to "blow" is a short circuit condition in the circuit which the fuse protects. IF you have two different circuits blowing fuses, then you have at least two short circuit faults. j3h

What causes fuses to blow on tail lights 1990 buick centry?

A short to ground causes all fuses to blow. If you have a trailer connecter then start there first.

What would cause the AC-heater to not have power on a Jeep Wrangler if all the fuses are working?

It mite not be a fuse have you checked the vacume hoses that come from intake manifold this can cause the fan not to blow.

What would have caused your 40 amp fuse to blow?

What Causes Any Fuse to "Blow?"The cause is what fuses were invented and are used for:to detect and protect against SHORT CIRCUIT conditions, and /or CIRCUIT OVERLOAD conditions.

Why are fusses not good for short circuit currents?

A: FUSES are very good for short circuit protection. On the other hand a short over current may not make the fuse to blow since it requires heat caused by the current to blow. There are fuses that are meant to blow fast and some fuses are designed to blow slow depending on the circuit requirement

Why does your guitar amp blow fuses when you replace them?

Don't know too much about amps, but fuses generally blow to protect equipment. A large surge of power can cause this or if the wrong size is replaced. DO NOT go with a larger fuse. You could kill your equipment forever or start a fire. Call the company that makes your amp.

Does not blow air at all?

Check your fuses, it might be shot