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Black smoke coming out the tailpipe usually indicates excessive fuel is being burned weather it be a gas or diesel engine. Oil will usually be blue. The first place for a DIY to look I suggest would be the air intake system especially the air filter. If you have an older vehicle that has a carburetor be sure the choke is fully opened when engine is at operating temperature and look down the venturis to see if fuel is pouring in at an idle. It should not show fuel delivery thru the hi-speed circuit at an idle. If you have a fuel injected vehicle check the fuel pressure if you know how and have the computerized control system diagnostics performed; you'll need a scan tool. If the engine has a mis-firing cylinder that also will cause excessive black smoke and have that 02 sensor showing rich. If the 02 sensors show a RICH condition I suggest you see first what is causing that rich condition before you go ahead and spend your hard earned coins on a new 02 sensor(s)! My experience has shone that if an 02 sensor shows a rich condition and you have black smoke pouring out the tailpipe the 02 sensor is doing its' job and replacing it won't do the fix.

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Q: What can cause black smoke to come from the exhaust?
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because its a terrible car mad , if the smoke is black the car wants to die , take it out of its miysery

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yes but if it is black it is burning gas

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cause you dont turn of the engine so there for its on but you need to rev a bit so then u have aa bit of smoke

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The three things that could cause black smoke which come to mind are: 1) You have a belt or pulley problem which is causing the belt to slip and burn. 2) You have an oil leak that is getting on to the exhaust and burning. 3) The mower is running rich. Which means it is getting too much gas. The most common of these is choice 1. Oil leaks don't normally get onto the exhaust since most exhausts aren't under the engine. The running rich problem also does not normally come from under the mower. It would typically come from the exhaust unless it has an exhaust leak.

Car burns oil and white smoke comes out of the exhaust?

Yes, this is simply showing your car is working, however, what SHOULD'NT come out of your exhaust pipe is red flames. If that is what's coming out, I'd check with mechanic. In general, Blue smoke, engine oil. Black smoke, excess fuel. White smoke, engine coolant.