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Q: What bio-fuel is made from corn?
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What is biofuel made from?

Vegetable Oil is used to make biodiesel, and corn is used to make ethanol for a gasoline substitute.

What type of fuel is ethanol?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is a fuel made by fermentation or the substitution of ethylene. It is described as a "biofuel" by proponents when it is made from corn, grain, sugar or cellulose, it can also be made by industrial process as a by-product or major product.

Where does a biofuel grow?

Biofuel doesn't grow anywhere, it comes from plants that have the characteristics and compounds that enable them to be used for biofuel. Such plants include corn, canola, sunflowers, and rapeseed.

How do you make a biofuel?

Biodiesel fuel can be made out of many organic compounds. Vegetable oil and corn oil are two things that can be used.

What countries can biofuels grow in?

Biofuels can grow in many countries around the world. Brazil makes biofuel from sugarcane. Europe uses biofuel made from palm oil (though it would be grown elsewhere). The United States uses ethanol made from heavily processed corn. Anywhere crops can be grown, they can be grown for biofuel.

What is a disadvantage of ethanol as a biofuel?

Growing corn could be bad for the soil.

How is biofuel energymade?

Biofuel is energy made by heat.

What is the biodfuels made from corn?

Biofuel contains energy from recent carbon fixation, such as plants and microalgae. Bioethanol is made by fermentation of carbohydrates such as corn, sugarcane or sweet sorghum. it is used as gas additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions.

Development of a bio fuel to replace gasoline?

Biofuel is something that should be developed more. It can be made out of many things, including corn and vegetable oil.

What fuel is made from animal waste and plants?

the answer is biofuel

What is cornmeal made of?

Polenta, it's an Italian dish! Cornbread, corn muffins, and cornmeal mush can also be made from ground corn. A non-food use of ground corn is to make ethanol, a biofuel commonly used to power automobiles in the western hemisphere.

How can corn be turned into biofuel?

The corn can be mashed, mixed with water, and heated until it ferments, and ethanol (grain alcohol) can be distilled from it.