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it represent the resistance where it can be increased or decreased

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Q: What are rotatable sliding contact of rotary potentiometer and the wiper contact of liner potentiometer represent?
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What is other name for variable ressitance?

Another name for variable resistance is potentiometer. It is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding or rotating contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider.

What is linearisation of potentiometer?

Linearization of a potentiometer involves calibrating it to produce a linear relationship between the physical position of the wiper and the output voltage. This ensures that the output changes in a consistent and predictable manner as the wiper moves along the resistor. Linearization is often necessary to improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements taken using a potentiometer.

Main difference between rotary and linear potentiometer?

A rotary potentiometer is designed to measure rotational movement, providing a variable resistance output based on the position of a rotating shaft. On the other hand, a linear potentiometer measures linear movement, offering a variable resistance output based on the linear position of the sliding wiper along a straight track.

What is the friction is used to represent the degree to which two surfaces will resist sliding against one another?

Friction is the force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of such motion of two surfaces in contact. It arises from the interactions between the surface irregularities of the materials in contact.

Why is rolling friction is lesser than sliding friction?

Rolling friction is generally lower than sliding friction because when an object is rolling, only the point of contact is experiencing friction, while in sliding friction, the entire surface of contact is experiencing friction. In rolling, the point of contact continually changes, reducing the resistance to motion compared to sliding where the contact surface remains the same.

What is the force that stops your sliding?

The force that stops your sliding is friction. Friction is the resistance force between two surfaces that are in contact with each other, which opposes the motion of sliding.

Why kinetic friction is less than sliding friction?

there is more surface area contact with kinetic friction as opposed to sliding friction

What is an example of static electricity contact?

A balloon sliding across your hair

What is the force which stops you sliding?

The force that stops you from sliding is friction. Friction is a force that acts between two surfaces that are in contact and moving relative to each other, which opposes the motion and prevents sliding.

What is the definition of sliding friction?

Sliding friction is the resistance encountered when one object slides over another. It occurs when two surfaces are in contact and sliding past each other, causing heat and energy loss.

Force that prevents two forces in contact from sliding past each other?

The force that prevents two forces in contact from sliding past each other is friction. Friction has the ability to keep things from moving.

Why sliding friction greater than rolling friction and if the area of contact is same?

Sliding friction is typically greater than rolling friction due to the larger amount of surface area in contact between the two objects during sliding compared to rolling. When an object slides, the entire surface area is in contact, leading to more resistance compared to rolling, where only a small portion of the object's surface is in contact at any given time. This increased contact area during sliding results in higher frictional forces.