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They are made of tiny red and pink ropes things. They get as thin as a strand of hair, or smaller!

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Q: What are mucsles made of?
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Related questions

How many mucsles do you have in your body?

a lot

How many muscles does a 6 month corn snake have?

17, not including their vagina mucsles. if it is as big as your moms vagina then they will have 92 total mucsles.

What moves food from the mouth to the stomach?


Which mucsles suffer without protein?


How many mucsles do cats have in there ears?

32 exact

What mucsles do you use in volleyball?

ALL OF THEM but mostly quads and shoulders

How many mucsles are in a crocodile's body?

ZERO their fishh like nemo -_____-

Artist and song of Celtic music?

their is a song called cockles and mucsles

What is the function of the bundle branches?

To transfer electrical activity to pakinji mucsles

Which category of hip muscles is primarily responsible for hip adduction?

posterior mucsles

Do pushups make your mucsles grow?

Exercise will help your muscles get stronger, but strong muscles do not neccessarily have to be large.

Can you make a sentence for tenseness?

here is an example i love to tenseness my mucsles because then i can show it off to everyone