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Bio fuels are made from natural oils. These oils include, palm, soybean, and algae. Wood can also be made into a liquid bio fuel.

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Q: What are bio fuels made from?
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How are bio fuels made?

from plants

Why are new biofuels being made?

bio fuels are being made because the reserves of fossil fuels are running out. fossil fuels take millions of years to form, if we run out, we need to find an alternative fuel in which to run our vehicles on. bio fuels are non fossil fuels and are not limited, also, the gas they emit is less harmful than that emitted by diesel and petrol. algae, for example, is being made into a bio fuel as it can easily be grown as you have seen (if you are in the UK) in adverts on the TV, and of other bio fuels

What are Bio fuels Give examples?

Bio fuels are those fuels that are easier on the environment than petroleum-based fuels. Some examples are bio diesel and methane.

How do bio fuels contribute to sustainability?

They don't, they are made by growing plants (food crops) and using the produce to make oils which are turned into bio fuels. This may sound neat but it means that people elsewhaer in the world go hungry because that food is no longer available for them to fuels are a red herring.

How are cars being made greener?

by being made smaller (smart cars), lighter, and using bio fuels. "Greener" is a big fraud especially when it comes to bio fuels, because a vehicle gets lower gas mileage using bio fuel, therefore using more fuel and pollutants.

What other fuels are used in the same way as fossil fuels?

Bio fuel but bio fuel is cleaner to use

What is the adventage of bio fuels?

We dont have to use Fossil Fuels

Can you give few examples of low cost fuels?

some of the low cost fuels are bio ethanol,bio methanol,cellulose bio mass etc.

What are bio-fuels used for?

biofuels make energy from living things or their waste products

How is bio fuels produced?

bio fuel is produced by animal wastes

What are the names of some vehicle fuels which are not made from petroleum?

Bio-diesel (although it is closely related), Hydrogen, Alcohol.

What are the differences between bio-fuels and carbonaceous fuels?

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