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It was not invented as part of anything, but as an engine in its own right for powering other machinery - including though not solely nor at first, cars.

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Q: Was the internal combustion engine apart of a 19th century invention?
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What invention led to the invention of internal combustion engine?

The steam engine

What invention most directly led to the creation of the internal combustion engine?


What was the basic invention that evolved into the modern automobile?

It was the invention and development of the internal combustion engine, fuelled by petrol or diesel.

What did the invention of the internal-combustion engine lead to?

motor vehicles, among other things

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and airplanes possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and the airplane possible?

The Internal combustion engine

When was the internal combustion engine first invented?

The first device that could be called a prototype of the internal combustion engine was invented in the fifth century, in the form of Roman machines used in sawmills. In the seventeenth century, this idea was expanded upon with the addition of gunpowder as a power source. Internal combustion engine development accelerated in the late 19th century, and they were widespread by the 1900s.

When was internal combustion engine invented?

The internal combustion engine was invented in 1876 by German engineer Nikolaus August Otto. Otto's engine, commonly known as the "Otto engine," was the first successful four-stroke engine and revolutionized the way people think about and use engines. The internal combustion engine has since become a crucial technology for powering everything from cars and boats to generators and airplanes.

What invention most directly made the creation of the automobile and the airplace possible?

The internal combustion gasoline engine.

Internal combustion engine of a gasoline engine?

a gasoline engine is an Internal combustion engine

When was the motor boat first invented?

The steam engine had been added to boats as early as the 18th century. However, the boat powered by a petrol engine only came about in the latter part of the 19th century with the invention of the internal combustion engine.