what year is your rapter? 01-03 rapters are notorious for having trouble with the (starter oneway clutch) if it freespins and makes nasty growl noises. that's whats wrong with mine to.
Could be your starter.
Is it a new starter motor? It may be incorrect.
wont start The starter engages and turns the engine over but the engine fails to run. And you cant do it not even if sober. The words of modest mouse.
You have a bad starter. Jump start the engine, and head to NAPA for a new starter. I have the same problem. Does it start right up sometimes, then other times it doesn't start? If that's the case, it's still the starter.
the starter may be worn on your car if it starts up easily when its cold but slowly turns over when it is at the operating temperature. Replace the starter to your engine.
Check the fuel pump or the fuel ignition if its not getting gas.
I had a similar problem turns out the Alternator was bad.
the teeth on the starter could be worn out or the teeth on the flywheel could be worn out ... hopefully for you its just the starter if its the flywheel you will have to pull the tranny ...
Probably a bad starter solenoid.
check the distributor
A bad fuel pump will cause your vehicle to not start or sputter and then stall. A dirty air filter can have the same symptoms.
Starter is defective, or battery is weak.