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Depends on the sound of the knock. Could be main bearings or rod bearings.

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Q: The engine is making a knocking noise what could it be?
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NO. A knocking noise in the engine is a problem in the engine.

What does it mean when your engine has a knocking noise?

When your engine has a knocking noise, it could mean that a rod has been thrown. It could also mean you are low on oil.

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possibly distributor. tow to mechanic . if you drive , you could damage your engine.

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Having a bad rod bearing could cause a truck to make a loud knocking noise and shake when driving at high speeds. The engine having a coolant leak or an engine timing problem could also cause the knocking noise.

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Noise coming from engine in Oldsmobile Cutlass could be as a result of an oil leak in the rear of your engine. This makes the gears to wear off leading to severe knocking noise.

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There could be a problem with low old causes the pistons to rattle. There could also be a problem with the rocker arm.

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It may need oil? Or motor needs rebuilt.

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There could be loosened internal mounts (connecting rods, pistons, pins, crankshafts or other related parts) in the compressor causing the banging or knocking noise. A simple call to a technician should resolve the issue.