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Q: Steam engines were first used to power?
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Related questions

What were the first steam engines used for?

The first steam engines used for pumping water out of mines.

What was steam engines first used to power?

Pumps, to remove water from coal mines.

What were the steam engines first use?

The first steam engines used for pumping water out of mines.

What energy source was used to power steam engines?


Who invented the first steam engine in 1765?

The first use of steam power was over 2000 years ago. It was a simple devise that used steam to make movement. Steam engines have been around since the 1600s.

Are steam engines still being used?

Steam engines presently produce more power than all other types of engines combined. Most steam engines take the form of the steam turbine engine. The steam turbine is responsible for generating about 86% of the electric power used on this planet. Reciprocating steam engines are still in use for limited applications, but are generally considered obsolete. Steam engines, either the piston or turbine type were used on most big ships until recently, and there are still a few steam locomotives about.

What kind of steam engines are used in power stations?

Coal fired steam driven power stations are still in use

What allows a steam tugboat to move?

Steam is used to power the tugbooat's engines thus propelling it forward

What was the initial job of the steam engine?

Steam engines were first used to pump water out of mines.

Steam engines were first used to power what?

The Newcomen Engine, and Watt's Pumping Engine (an improvement on Newcomen's design) were both used to pump water out of mines.

What were steam engines first used for?

pumping water out of coal mines

What was used in the preelectronic period for power supply?

Steam engines, water wheels, etc.