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Q: State of charge determined on a lead acid battery?
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Does gravity have an affect on the potential difference of a battery?

No.AnswerPresumably, you mean 'specific gravity' or, as it is known these days, 'relative density'? If so, the relative density of a lead-acid cell or battery is, indeed, a guide to that battery's state of charge -that's why we use a hydrometer to check the condition of a lead-acid battery. However, it would be wrong to say that the relative density of a lead-acid battery 'effects' the voltage -it merely is a guide to the state of charge. (Actually, it's the state of a battery's charge that affects its relative density.)

State the fluid used as elcroliyte in the battery. what happens to the density of the fluid as the state of charge decreases.?

sulphuric acid

What is the voltage of a 12 V battery?

It depends on the state of charge. A fully charged lead-acid 12V battery will measure around 13.6V, the same battery at the end of useful charge will be approximately 10.5V

How do you charge an ATV battery?

Remove it and hook it up to a battery charger. If you don't have a battery charger, you can take it to Autozone and they will charge it for free. Just be careful handling the battery because battery acid can cause serious injuries and damage to property.

Why is acid in batteries?

Helps the battery to hold charge for a long period of time by charging the cells of the battery. So always check if you need to top off the battery acid fluid in your battery if its not servicable battery then you cant really check it you will need a special tool that you hook up to it that will read for you if battery still has good or bad charge.

Does battery acid go off?

If you have no battery acid in the battery yes it can no longer hold or maybe hold for very little time hold charge inside of the battery You need battery acid to keep the cells charged and not to be dryed out. Good question

Why doesn't the battery indicator 'magic eye' show 'charged' condition when battery full recharged after having rundown?

The function of the Magic Eye® state of charge battery indicator is based on the specific gravity of the sulfuric acid or electrolyte. When a battery is charging, the change in the density of the acid is a little delayed as compared to the actual state of charge of the battery. However, the battery indicator should show green once the battery is back to 100% state of charge. There may be several reasons as to why it is not showing green: 1. If the battery was allowed to remain in the dis-charged state for a great length of time, the battery may in fact be bad and the battery indicator will not show green because the electrolyte has not reached the proper specific gravity. The specific gravity of the electrolyte is the most accuarate method of measuring state of charge. 2. The acid in the battery is "stratified" meaning that the heavier acid has sunk to the bottom and the lighter water is floating near the top. This happens with batteries that have sat for a long time in the discharged state. Normally, re-charging will stir the electrolyte make it more homogenious. 3. There may be a small piece of battery separator material preventing the green ball from floating up. The best thing to do is gently rock the battery back and forth. This will mix the electrolyte and will most likely free the green ball to float up "IF" the specific gravity of the acid is dense enough. Keep in mind that even though the Magic Eye®is located in only 1 of 6 cells, testing conducted by a major OE car company proved that the battery indicator accurately indicates the state of charge of the entire battery.

How charge lead acid batteries for 6 v DC?

Charge them with a 6 volt battery charger.

What is a lead acid storage battery?

It is a battery which, as you may have guessed, used lead and an acid to store an electrical charge. Most car/truck batteries are of this type.

If you shoot battery acid will you die?

Probably, but if you don't the police will likely charge you

Can you charge a lead acid battery with my mega 1 charger?

titing basa

What happens to the fluid in a battery as the charge decreases?

The acid turns to water. Batteries will freeze in cold weather if they are discharged. When the battery is charged, the water turns back to acid.