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Most likely your front brake rotors (or discs, if you prefer) are warped.

This usually occurs from being overheated - just resting your foot on the brake pedal while going down a long hill is enough to do this - then when you stop the heat is trapped inside the rotor at the points of contact with the brake pads and so they cool unevenly, creating stresses inside the rotor that cause it to bend.

This can be repaired by either replacing the rotors or having them machined back to true. (Machining can only be done once or twice though, as there is a minimum thickness determined by the designer before the rotor becomes unsafe to use.) It's usually best to replace brake pads at the same time as they will not be as effective if they have been overheated, and they will also have a pattern worn into them that may create adverse wear in the new rotor surface.

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Q: Shaking steering wheel when you hit the brakes?
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Your brake rotors are warped.

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suspension your steering dampner has gone bad, replace it and the shaking will stop.

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