whats the routing for the serpentine belt for a 1996 Oldsmobile eighty-eight?
Starting at bottome of crank, it wraps around A/C, then up and around alternator, down and around Power Steering, then up and over tensioner pulley and water pump, then back to crank. You need to remove one of the nuts and studs on the bottom of the motor mount bracket closest to front bumper to install new belt.
How do you tighten the serpentine belt on an oldsmobile ciera
Serpentine belt See "Related Questions" below for more about Windstar serpentine belts - routing & installation information.
Click the link for a diagram.
It will be on the cover just over the radiator you will have the diagram for the serpentine. I do not know if Ford Taurus 1996 is the same as Ford Taurus 1994. But my 1996 serpentine routing diagram is under the hood, you may have to wipe it with a rug or towel if its dirty and hard to see.Hi, You can go to your Ford dealer and they will print one for you. Dayco has these diagrams available on-line for free. Enter all the pertinent info and it will show you the belt routing and tensioner information.
The drivebelt routing decal on the radiator shroud to help during drivebelt install
you can go to they day co we site and find the application as well as the diagram.
open the hood and look up, it will be right in front of you. If that does not work, you can buy a haynes or chiltons manual.
On one of the stickers in the engine compartment , ahead of the radiator , there should be a serpentine belt routing diagram
how do you install a serpentine belt on a 1996 corsica?
If you do not have a routing (belt) diagram under your hood for some reason or other . Just go to any auto parts store and ask for a copy of routing diagrams from either their Gates Serpentine books or whoever supplies them with their serpentine belts . But they DO have that information . You will have to know how many pulleys your vehicle has though,so draw out your pulley position on a piece of paper! THIS IS A MUST in order to get the right route.
There should be a map, either on top of the radiator, or glued to the underside of the hood. If not, go to a Library and look at some books.
how do you chance a serpentine belt on a 1996 ford escort