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hi guys,use of capacitor in car stereo amplifier is really helpful..specially when using an amplifier(s) to drive speakers.the purpose of capacitor is to maintain current level for amplifier(s) so it can perform better and give optimum performance to the speakers. Power capacitor uses the current from main battery and stores it in itself. and whenever car is turned off, amplifier uses the stored power from capacitor..

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A dc capacitor used in a car audio setup is only good for one thing...voltage spikes, but they should only be used in conjuction with a very good power source, a high output alternator. The alternator is the source of all electrical power for both the vehicle and the audio system. The capacitor, or cap for short, is a short term source for a juice of voltage power, not amperage power. Think of it this way, you will still see a dimming set of headlights at peak stereo volume even with the use of a cap. Although amps follow the same flow and are in the same category as volts, they should not be confused with each other. The only way that dimming headlights can be fixed is to use a high output alternator, hence the reason that the power regulated from them is called amps

actually its not true that the only way to fix dimming lights is to get an alternator. it is possible to ise another battery along with the capacitor to stop the lights from dimming. guarenteed.

I understand your argument but I am only telling you this from personal experience that high output alternators are the only way. I have 2 optima Yellowtop batteries and a Fosgate 1.0 Farad digital cap. My headlights were dimming up until I invested in a Irragi HO alternator.

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Q: Purpose of power capacitor bank in car stereo?
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The primary reason for a capacitor bank in an electrical substation is for power factor correction. There may also be some secondary purpose for the capacitor bank but the primary reason is power factor correction.

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A: Its purpose is to correct the power factor of the line.

How do you connect the capacitor bank in electrical system?

improvement of power factor

How can be determined the rating of capacitor bank?

If you are talking about a capacitor bank used for power-factor improvement, then it is rated in reactive volt amperes (var). Otherwise, it is rated in farads (F).

What will be the PF if measured after capacitor bank?

Capacitors are used to improve an inductive load's power factor towards unity. The power factor before and after adding the capacitor bank depends entirely on the inductive/capacitive values involved.

How do you make capacitor load bank for the house use?

If you are referring to a capacitor bank for the purpose of power-factor improvement, then there's absolutely no point in doing so, as you are charged for the energy you consume, and the power factor of your residence is irrelevant. Your energy meter monitors the supply voltage and the in-phase component of your load current -so it doesn't make any difference whatsoever whether your residence has a 'good' or 'poor' power factor.

What is the use of rvt in capacitor bank?

Use of rvt in capacitor bank

How do you calculate or choose capacitor bank?

Normal power is the multiplication of current to combination of resistive and reactive or capacitive load. From the vector sum of Apparent power minus real power we can get reactive power(KVAr), which is basically lagging power due to reactive load. This will be the exact rating of capacitor bank. You can find it by cos $ of apparent power.

Sir iam a working engineeri have come to a peculier problem the capacitor bank was installed at a sub-stationwhen capacitor bank is switched on the power factor becomes more lagging?

It's not peculiar. That's a property of capacitors.

How do you calculate capacitor bank capacity?

It is calculated by knowing what the reactive power is that has to be countered.See related links below.

Advantages of bank capacitor?

Capacitor banks can improve the power factor if the load is leading, which is unusual. Typically in substations capacitor banks are employed to reduce over voltage.

What method improve power factor?

The most common method of improving the power factor of a load is to connected a capacitor or capacitor bank, of appropriate reactive power (expressed in reactive volt amperes), in parallel with the load.