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Most US states require a minimum of 2/32 of an inch (approximately 1.6 mm) of tread. If you intend to drive on wet roads 4 mm may be the minimum tread depth needed to stop and steer effectively. Without at least this much tread the tire cannot move water away from the tread fast enough to maintain adequate traction. To drive with less tread is not illegal until you reach the legislated minimums, but it may not be safe.

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2/32nd on the non-steering axle, 4/32nd on the steering axle

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min tread depth 2/32".

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Q: Passenger vehicle tires are to have a minimum tread depth of?
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What is the standard passenger vehicle's tires required to have a minimum tread depth?

In most parts of the USA it is 2/32 of an inch.

What is the minimum tread depth for tires other than the front tires?

Minimum tread depth for all 4 tires is 2/32"

What is the minimum allowable thread depth of your tires?

in Illinois it is 4/32 front tires and 2/32 all tires

What minimum tread thickness for passenger car tires is?

It depends on the legislation of the country in question

What is the law driving with bald tires?

It's not allowed. It is a violation of vehicle safety regulations. If you'd get caught out in rain they'd hydroplane real easily, that's why the law require a certain minimum tread depth.

Can you use 2357516 tires on your vehicle if you have 2357016 tires?

Probably. However, it's best to stick with what the vehicle manufacture calls for on the door decal (driver's or passenger's door jamb).

What is the minimum tire tread depth to pass Missouri auto safety inspection?

All tires on vehicles driven in Missouri must be safe. There is no listed minimum tiretread depth or mention of tire grooving in the laws.

What is the minimum tire tread depth for a bus?

In the United States, the tread has to be 4/32 (3.17mm) or more on the front tires and 2/32 (1.58mm) or more on the back tires. rear tires can be retreaded but not the front "steer" tires.

What is minimum tread depth for tires?

2/32 of an inch in most parts of the USA. Local laws may vary.

What is the minimum tread depth of trailer tires on semi?

4/32 on steer axle.2/32 on all others

What is the minimum tread in Oregon?

In Oregon there is no minimum thread depth, but just that Oregon requires that tires be in safe operating condition, without any bulges or exposed cords.

When should I change my car tires?

On or before your country's legal minimum requirement for tread. If in doubt see out a qualified fitter to check the tread depth for you