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Sounds like you may have an incorrect bulb in one of the left turn-signal housings.

If your "parking light" socket needs a two filament bulb (the kind with two contacts on the bottom) and a single filament bulb was put into that socket the result is the pair of socket-connectors (each meant for one of the contacts on the bottom of a dual-filament bulb) will be shorted together by the single-filament contact.

This will effectively connect your turn-signal circuit for the left side to your parking light/panel light circuit all the time.

The result is that if the parking lights are on, the single filament will be powered and back-feed the turn-signal circuit on the left side, but if the parking lights are off, then the left turn signal will power the single filament and back-feed the parking light circuit (which also feeds the radio and clock lights in your dashboard).

Hope this helps

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Q: Left blinker stays on steady when lights are turned on. Also when lights are off left turn signal works but clock and radio lights flash as well?
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