I would suspect that you're actually leaking "soot". If the engine is running reasonably well and you're getting black liquid when the engine is cold, it's soot. Engines have to run a little "rich' (extra fuel) when they're cold and that sometimes produces a little carbon in the exhaust.
Another thing that happens when an engine is cold, the EXHAUST and muffler are also cold. that causes some of the exhaust gasses to condense on the side of the exhaust system. Since automotive fuels are nothing more than complex hydrocarbons, a good portion of the exhaust gas becomes an oxide of hydrogen that we lovingly call "water". Once the water vapor cools on the exhaust system it condenses and picks up the soot and it all drips out, sometimes out of the back of the exhaust pipe, other times out of the "weep hole" of the muffler.
If you feel that you're getting too much soot it might be a good idea to give the vehicle a good "tune-up", other than that, there isn't much to do about it.
On the other hand, if it truly IS oil, that's leaking out, you have serious oil burning and it's amazing that the engine even runs.
Oil comes up through the head (top part of the motor) and leaks from the muffler.
1. tipped on the muffler side or 2. blown engine
worn out muffler bearing
cracked water jacket in the head
Answer It could be that you need a new muffler. After so long the baffling inside the muffler can burn out. Also make sure that the muffler is not cracked or that exhaust is not leaking before it gets into the muffler. At the gasket between the muffler and the engine. Hope ths helps.
I think what you are seeing is your muffler leaking condensation from a weep hole. This normal and will stop after your vehicle has reached full operating temperature.
If gas is leaking from a Yamaha Razz muffler, then the float may not be set correctly. This means that it is not shutting the intake off.
Replace If it has a hole or leak in it, replace it. A leaking muffler is a very dangerous thing. I know, I had a very serious accident from a leaking muffler. Carbon Monxide is a odorless, tasteless, killer. It put me to sleep and I never saw it coming. I did however wake up just in time to see the tree coming, and was unable to miss it. Spent 2 weeks in the hospital over a $20 muffler. Get yourself a new muffler.
oil leaking out of the muffer and the air filter oil leaking out of the muffer and the air filter oil leaking out of the muffer and the air filter oil leaking out of the muffer and the air filter
You can tell for sure if its water or oil be dropping a bit in a glass of water if it desolves it water oil wont
find the leak and patch it weld if you have to or just simply replace it lol
Can be condensation which is normal or can be coolant if you have a blown head gasket.