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Problems with main bearings normally show up as a rumble.

Big end bearings rattle.

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Q: Is your engine main bearing bad?
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What does it mean when you hear a knocking noise underneath and in the back of your engine you think its piston or?

It can mean that the engine has a bad main bearing. Can also mean one of the pistons are bad.

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A lower engine knock is usually a bad bearing on the crankshaft. Could be a rod bearing or a main bearing.

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You can tell if the main thrust bearing is bad by simply checking out the oil. If you notice little metal particles, chances are the thrust bearing has spoiled.

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the torque setting for the the main bearings of the Toyota 2c engine is 103 Nm. The rid bearing caps are 59 Nm

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Don't understand your question...... If you mean the rear main bearing in the engine ... then NO.

Why does your engine knock when you step on the gas?

Probably a bad rod bearing

What Main bearing on a light vehicle engine are normally used?

Main bearings are what the crankshaft rotates on.

How you can take main bearing clearance marine engine?

the clearance is measured at the top of the bearing with the help of a feeler gauge

What is the cause of a loud knocking sound in engine compartment?

Bad bearing or rod

What are bearing caps?

You have rod bearing caps that hold the rods on the crankshaft. And you also have main bearing caps that hold the crankshaft in the engine block. NEUTZ.

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Bad engine bearing? Piston "slap" Fuel Octane rating too low