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No trick to it. But, like many things, it takes the right equipment. There are 2 types of balancing: Bubble - where the tire on wheel is stationary and placed on a piece of equipment with a gauge, much like the bubble gauge on a level, and by placing little weights where needed you make it balance equally, on center if you will. That is still done, but very old fashioned and really not anywhere as good as a spin balance machine. This spins the tire at speed and identifies where the weights need to be placed. Obviously a much better method for assuring the tire is balanced for motion. As it only costs a few dollars a wheel to have it done, there really isn't any reason to try and do it some makeshift way at home...go to any shop with a speed balance machine...if your trying to save a few $, taking the tire/wheel off yourself and bringing it to them will probably do so. (The major cost to a shop to balance a tire is the time and cost/risk of raising the car and removing the wheels).

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Q: Is there a trick to 'balance' automotive tires that you mounted good enough to make it to the repair shop?
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