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is it true your cardiac muscle tires

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4y ago

If you mean cardiac musclr, then no. If our cardiac muscle tired from working, we'd die.

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Q: Is it true that your cardica muscle tires?
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What is the job of the cardiac muscle?

The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control. The job is that it protects your heart and lungs and it never tires from doing its job. It is also a involutary muscle which is a muscle that is not under your conscous control.

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in the cardiac cicle, the cardiac muscle work the same time as it rest. is not true that never tires. and if you eat meat, at the end only give to the bodye aminoacids, the cardiac tissue need glucose and oxigen EVERY time it works! otherwise harth attack is available.

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