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Yes. By little I'm talking two tablespoons. If more, then purge and refill with coolant and water.

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Q: Is it safe to drive your car if you accidentally put just a little oil in your coolant?
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You just noticed you have a big puddle of anitfreeze under my car someone looked at it and said its my water pump does that mean you shouldn't drive it?

You can drive it a little but make sure there is plenty of coolant. Don't let it overheat, not even a little. If it's leaking too fast, you might end up having trouble if you drive it, but you should be able to put in some coolant and drive it to a shop.

Do you need to put coolant to drive your astro van?

Yes!!!! you have to have at least 50/50 in it. Do not drive with just water.

Is it safe to drive your car if you accidentally put window washer in the coolant reservoir?

I wouldn't drive the car . What I would do is use a cheap plastic turkey baster bought from Wal*Mart or another store and use that to suck out the window washer fluid from the engine coolant reservoir ( I don't know if it mixes or floats on top , if it mixes I would remove all the contents of the engine coolant reservoir and then replace it with a 50 / 50 mix of the correct type of antifreeze and preferably distilled water ( P.S. I'm not a mechanic / technician , just what I would do )

You accidentally put window washer fluid in the coolant container - what's the damage?

Probably no damage, especially if you only filled the reservoir with it and not the whole cooling system. Use a turkey baster and suck up what's in the reservoir, dispose of properly. Then refill with coolant. I'm really not sure if the washer fluid will screw with the various rust inhibitors or lubricants key to the coolant. If you're really concerned, just flush the coolant and refill the system.

Can you drive with one blown freeze plug?

No ( not unless you want to wreck the engine ) If the freeze plug is " blown " than the engine coolant will just pour out

How do you top off coolant fluid in a Mercedes C230 2007?

when you open the hood you will see the coolant tank on your left hand side, (do not open it if the engine still Hot). on this vehicle the malfunction light will turn on even if the coolant level is a little bit low, once the engine is cold go ahead and open the reservoir tank and top it off with coolant (recommended) or regular water if is just a little bit low

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You have to learn to face the fear. Just keep facing the fear, little by little, then you will eventually get over it.

Is it bad to driver your car with just water in the cooling system for a few days if the temp is well above freezing?

It is not a problem to drive with just water as a coolant for probably months as long as the temperature is above freezing. Using just water does cause engine parts made of steel that come in contact with the coolant to rust.

How do you change coolant suzuki swift?

take of the engine fluid cap and there will be a green or blue rubber pipe with a little rubber csp on. if you just pul off the cap you can put the coolant down there bit by bit but only do it when the car is cool

You just filled your coolant last night this morning after drive white smoke coming from radiator what is the cause could i just have over filled?

You could have had alittle over fill spill on something hot. I would suggest you check the coolant level to make sure there the same amount of what you filled

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They might be a little different, as they are on different cars. But they work just the same and have just the same types of parts.

How to change coolant on a 2003 escalade?

Just drain the rad at the petcock (little valve on bottom) & fill w/50/50 mix.