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Possible but not likely. Screw-on filters generally will either not seal or not screw on to the wrong vehicle but there may be exceptions. Element filters are few and far between these days but even so, the centres are all different sizes as are heights and widths. Fitting the wrong one would be difficult but again, there are probably exceptions.

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Q: Is it possible to put the wrong oil filter in a car?
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I seem to have excessive oil pressurewhich causes oil to blow out around the oil filter What would cause this?

Some oil filters have a check valve in them. Perhaps you have the wrong filter on the car? Your car may not take the filter with the check valve. Also check to see if someone who did the oil change didn't leave the old oil filter rubber ring on the housing and then installed the new filter on top.

What is wrong when you just put oil in the car and it comes completely out?

One reason why oil will drain out of a car after filling it up could be a hole in an oil filter. The car will need to be fixed before being driven.

Can a wrong oil filter be installed?

Yes. There are instances where the wrong filter can be installed.

Why is oil leaking when car is on over the oil filter?

This could be caused by the use of the wrong-size filter, by not tightening the filter enough, or by having debris which break the seal between the oil line and the filter. Can also be you did not apply oil to the filter gasket. Can also be over-tightened the filter. Should be tightened 3/4 turn after making contact with the mounting surface.

What happens to a car that is driven with no oil filter?

No oil filter, no oil, lots of damage.

What does the Deutch D367 oil filter fit?

a oil filter part of the car

My car shakes and misses out when at a complete stop could i have done somthing wrong when i changed the spark plugs or oil filter?

It sounds like you may of mixed up plug wires when you put them back on. Oil filter will not have anything to do with the way your car idles.

Should there be oil in an oil filter?

absoutley, this is expected.... if there isn't any oil in an oil filter that was just pulled off a car - then there is a serious issue with your car

What would be the problem if your motorcycle starts pourning oil out of the filter right when you start it up?

wrong oil filter , bad oil filter gasket

If your 1997 Cutlass is knocking and you had the oil changed what is wrong?

Is it possible that your vendor forgot to put oil in your car ? It does happen especially when they are busy and one guy is doing the draining and someone else is adding the oil and finishing the job. Other possibilities could be missing or leaking oil plug or perhaps a leaking filter.

How do you change oil filter on Yamaha x-max 125?

you dont... ther is no oil filter... Wrong.

What happens if you put antifreeze in the oil of a car?

anti freeze will mix with and dilute the oil in engine it will usually cause lots of smoke and also will over fill oil capacity in engine, which sometimes will cause oil to pressurise and blow out dipstick hole best to dump oil and filter ,install new filter and oil ==Answer2== it is strongly recommended that you change the oil and filter as soon as possible to prevent damage to your car.