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It's not illegal for a person to remain in a car when gas is being pumped. It's not recommended that you leave the pump, and it's not recommended that anyone get in and out of the car while the gas is pumping. It's possible that in some locations those might be illegal for reasons of public safety.

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Q: Is it illegal to sit in your car while pumping gas?
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I think so; a fire could be started if you ran your car while pumping gas, so it's just common sense not to do it. many newer vehicles have a fuel tank pressure sensor that will trip the check engine light if the gas cap is loose, leaking, or removed while the engine is running

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open the gas door on side of car and then twist the (nozzle- cap) and put the gas despencer in it and start pumping

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It doesn't hurt it but it is not necessary.

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technically it depends. but, most likely, nothing

Is it legal to leave your engine running while pumping gas in Minnesota?

yes its a law

How did chris get famous?

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Can a gas station hold dsriver license for collateral while pumping gas?

If you voluntarily give it to them, yes. The alternative is - no gas for you. There is no law against it, that I am aware of.

Can they repo your car while your pumping gas?

If it is accessible and not locked up it s legal especially on public access areas. It's bad I know but if they touch it they can repo it in atleast 45 states

Is it illegal to syphon gas from a car that is not yours?

Yes unless you have permission from whoever's car it is.