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Google is a search engine, like yahoo/ Bing etc, it is a website.

A web browser if the one in which you open your website. internet explorer, Firefox etc are Web Browsers.

Google Chrome is also a web browser, however the website Google is a search engine.

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Olivia James

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4y ago

Google is a search engine like Yahoo,bing etc over the last some years google created its own web browser like firefox or internet explorer.

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Is a web browser a search engine?

A web browser is different than a search engine. A web browser is used to look at webpages located on the Internet, while a search engine is a website that you can go to search for webpages, like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. Search engines are viewed from a web browser. Unless you use the Google Chrome web browser, then your browser doubles as your search engine.

Is Google Chrome a search engine or a web browser?

Chrome is a web browser.

Is Goggle a browser?

Google is a web search engine.

Is dogpile a web browser?

dogpile is like google, it is a search engine

Is Internet explorer a search engine?

Internet explorer has a search engine built into it but it is not considered a search engine. It is a web browser that opens the web so you can choose a search engine.

Is Google a web browser or a navigator?

Google is a search engine, Google Chrome is a browser. Please get your terminology right, so I know what your talking about.

What is the Example of web browser and search engine?

The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user.example firefox web browser, explorer web browser itc. and the search engine there are many search engines you can use to index your site, and allow your readers to search your site example of search engine ,,,and also many other can you search.

Why is Google not a browser?

Google is a Search Engine while Google Chrome is a Web Browser. Web browser is used for nevigating web pages. It works on the programme of domain name system and it nevigates Internet Protocol Addresses. Google is not a programme to nevigate I.P. Addresses.

Is Google a web browser?

Google is a company. Google is most famous for its search engine (also called Google) but it does also have a web browser. This browser is called 'Google Chrome'.

Web browser search engine?

AOL, MSN, Google, Bing, 20search, AltaVista, All The Web, Yippy, and Dogpile

How do you get a Google search bar?

You can go to the website version at or download the google toolbar for your web browser (if you use firefox there is a Google search bar already in your web browser)

Is Safari a search engine?

No, Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It allows users to access websites on the internet but does not provide its own search engine. Users can choose a search engine, such as Google or Bing, to use with the Safari browser.