biodiesel is better for the environment but doesn't perform as well at cold temperatures (around 0 degrees celsius or 32 degrees ferinheight).
No, it is not.
Biodiesel improves public health and the environment, and provides safety benefits. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions better than gasoline, ethanol, and conventional diesel.
You often only find biodiesel in the Midwest or areas where corn is a big market. Biodiesel is made out of corn and that's why. Biodiesel will make your diesel engine get better gas mileage just so you know.
Any diesel engine can run on quality biodiesel. Older engines even better. New engines can loose their warranty if you use biodiesel, so please check.
Diesel is a fuel burned in some vehicles. It is produced from petroleum, just like regular gasoline. The most popular/well-known brand of diesel engines is Powerstroke, from Ford Motor Company. Other forms of diesel are BioDiesel. BioDiesel is made out of corn. If you've ever heard of "B20" that means 20% BioDiesel. The mixture is 20% BioDiesel and 80% Regular Diesel. If you hear "B40" it is 40% BioDiesel and 60% Regular Diesel. If it is "B100" it is 100% BioDiesel and 0% Regular Diesel. That is what diesel is....
it is more expensive
its renewable
A diesel engine is a biodiesel engine. If you have a diesel engine, you can fill it up with biodiesel anytime.
Just about any diesel vehicle will run on biodiesel.
Yes it is safe to mix petroleum diesel and biodiesel. Blends of biodiesel and petroleum diesel are designated "BX." Where "B" states that the fuel mixture is a biodiesel blend and "X" indicates the percentage of biodiesel in the blend. For example, common blends of biodiesel in North America include B2 (2% biodiesel), B5(5%), B20(20%), and B100(100%). B100 is also know as "neat," or pure, biodiesel.
the biodiesel should be used in the diesel engine, and there are some biodiesel motorbike has been produced such BWM