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check fuses eaither that or dont do something you dont know how to do like jump a car. Id take it somewhere if you cant jump a vehicle you cant work on your car.

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Q: If you crossed the cable wires when jumping a dead battery in a 2007 Honda civic and there was smoke and the vehicle starts but the horn does not work what should you do to get the horn to work?
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If you are going to store your vehicle for a long period of time it is a good idea to remove the battery to avoid battery drain.

Where can I purchase car batteries online?

Before jumping into buying a car battery, you should always do your research. The experts at Autozone should be able to help you find the best deal for the battery for your car.

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What is the chrage when the vehicle is on? It should be around 15-15.5v

How long should jump-leads be left on a dead battery before it will be fully charged?

Recharging a dead battery by using jumper cables connected to another vehicle is a very bad idea. You are overworking the alternator on the donor vehicle and can very well destroy that alternator. Recharge a dead battery with a battery charger and never with another vehicle.

Is the frame of the vehicle normally attached to the negative battery post?

the main negetive battery lead should run straight to the engine block

How often should a car battery be replaced?

If you question the condition of your vehicles battery, drive to your local auto parts store and they can test the battery and the charging system of the vehicle for you at no cost.

When should you replace a car battery?

At the very first sign of any problems starting the vehicle.

What types of battery cables should one use when trying to jump start a dead battery?

Jumper Cables. If your battery has died, you may be able to use jumper cables to jump start it from some good Samaritan_Ü_s vehicle. If you can safely use jumper cables on your vehicle, make sure that the battery on the good Samaritan_Ü_s vehicle has at least as much voltage as your own.

Where is the on-star battery on 2006 rendezvous?

Their is a backup battery system built into the On-Star module. It should never need replacing over the life of the vehicle.

Your 1985 Nissan pickup truck will not start it just clicks what should you do?

Try jumping it off. If it cranks remove the + side on the battery. If it shuts off the alternator is bad .If it does not shut off clean the battery terminals . Have the battery checked at the Auto Zone.

How do you recharge your battery with another car?

You do not recharge your car battery with another car, when you connect the batteries together to get your car started, it is called jumping it, and only partially gets the battery working again. It should not be attempted if you do not know what you are doing because it can be dangerous.

How do you charge a battery in a dodge stratus and should the car be on or off?

Ignition off, hook a battery charger to the battery post and let it charge. Black - Red + Disconnect the charger before starting the vehicle. You do not have to remove the cables nor take the battery out of the vehicle. Batteries are constantly being charged on the vehicle with the alternator. That is just unnecessary work for nothing. Since the battery is in the fender, you hook the battery charger to the jump start posts under the hood.