A leaking radiator hose would NOT cause this to happen, you have 2 problems with this vehicle.
fist of all.. no. if your coolant hose is leaking then you will probably run out of coolant and blow a head gasket and you don't want that.second of all i have a question for you:is your coolant hose leaking or are you just losing coolant all the time? if your hose isn't leaking, then is possible you have a blown head gasket or a cracked block or a blown head gasket, and either of those two will cause ur spark plug too look nasty when u take it out, but there are also many different reasons why your spark plug could corrode.
If the hose is leaking, replace it.
Having to add collant & coolant leaking from the hose.
Your engine may have a leaking hose connection or a leaking gasket at the water outlet. It could also be a leaking hose.
Not likely but possible. I would suspect a leaking vacuum hose.
get a new hose
Ist possibilty is it not your leaking pump. The hose connected to it or return hose are loose. 2nd the resorvior may be leaking and lastly wear and tear of the pump parts. I think if the belts are mialigned can also cause the leakage in the pump.
It can run but if it is leaking coolant it will cause a problem soon.
fuel leaking out drain hose while driving Honda z50
Several possibilities: 1. Radiator is leaking. 2. Coolant hose is leaking. 3. Hose clamp is loose. 3. Seal on water pump is leaking. 4. Overflow container is leaking. 5. Radiator clamp is loose or bad. Two highest possibilities: Radiator or hose is leaking.
Because there are a leaking vacum line or loose hose from the inlet manifool to the brake Boster hose. Check for leaking air or loose clamps to the hose