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People often use an advanced search when specific results need to be found. These searches allow criteria like dates, times, and phrases to be used.

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Q: How often do people use advanced search?
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What percentage of search users use advanced search?

The only reason someone would use an advanced search is if they didn't find what they were looking for with the first search. First searches usually turn up what a searcher is looking for and rarely is the advanced search option used.

Why should you use Google advanced search?

If you know what you want from Google search but have failed finding desirable results, then you can find it by using the advanced search option of Google.

Why people use altavist?

Altavista was a popular search engine in the 1990s and early 2000s, known for its advanced search features and large index of web pages. People used Altavista to find information on the internet before the rise of Google and other search engines.

How do you Advance Search on WikiAnswers?

Click the magnifying glass in the top right corner to use advanced search on WikiAnswers.

What are ways to search the internet ethically?

Enter keywords and if that doesn't work then use advanced search on google maybe.

How do you use the word impel in a word?

Hunger often impel people to leave their homes in search for food.

Where could one find instructions on how to use Google Advanced Video Search?

There is lots of useful information on how to use Google Advanced Video Search on Google's official website. Another website, Finder Alternative, also has some useful hints and tips.

What type of Pesticides do you need to use for sweet potato plants?

Use the advanced search at Search "yam, true". and you will find over 100 pesticides specifically labeled for use. You can limit your search by entering the specific pest you wish to control.

Which search engine is most accurate?

The perfect site to use for asset allocation by age is ixquick. This is a private search assistant which is great for businesses as well since it has an advanced search feature.

Why and when do you use search engines?

People use search engines to find information. Most people use search engines regularly, especially whenever they are doing some research.

What are some methods or techniques to narrow the result of an internet search?

In the Google Search bar, type your keywords in quotation marks to search for the exact phrase."cats and rats"Type 'OR' between the words if you are satisfied with results for either word.cats OR felinesAdd a '-' sign to omit any words from the search.dogs -terriers

When should one use instead of a basic web search?

Scholar is used when you wish to search articles, patents, legal opinions and journals. Scholar Advanced Search allows you to search by author name or publication date.