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Industrial turbines have many uses. The primary use of turbines today is Electrical Generation. Small turbines are used to operate pumps, compressors and other machinery, and they are used as propulsion units on most ships. These turbines range in size from 10 hp oil pump drives to 1.5 million horsepower generating units.

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Q: How much horse power does a industrial turbine engine have?
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Honeywell AGT 1500c multi-fuel turbine engine 1,500 horse power.

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A gas turbine engine will usually yield more power by weight than a piston engine. Main downside is that it can't be throttled very well. Energy efficiency isn't all that good to start with, and will drop right down if it has to be operated outside its optimum range.

What is aeroderivative gas turbine?

An aeroderivative gas turbine is a type of gas turbine engine that is derived from jet engines used in aircraft. These engines are designed to be more lightweight, compact, and efficient than industrial gas turbines, making them a popular choice for power generation in applications where quick start-up and flexibility are important. They are typically used in combined cycle power plants, as backup power for industries, and in mobile power generation units.

Is the engine horse power representing the engine power or the thrust power at propeller?

Engine power.

What is the part that gives the car horse power?

the engine produces the horse power

What is the bhp in marine vessel engine?

The BHP in a marine vessel engine has the meaning of Brake Horse Power. Brake Horse Power is power that is measured in the engine's crankshaft.

What is the mean of Mercedes Benz 5350 how can you find its horse power?

The Mercedes Benz 5350 rated engine horse power can be found on the engine tag. The actual horse power of an individual engine can be found by hooking the engine to a dyno tester.

What is the meaning bhp in marine vessel engine?

The BHP in a marine vessel engine has the meaning of Brake Horse Power. Brake Horse Power is power that is measured in the engine's crankshaft.

Who is stronger a wolf or a horse?

ofcourse horse ..........the engine power or any power we measure today we do it in terms of horse power and not wolf power ......

How does ship's engine works?

Turbine i.e., engine converts fuel energy to mechanical energy by means of combustion...This turbine will drive the generator shaft i.e., mechanical input and the output will be electrical power and this electrical power will feed into induction motor which will converts this electrical power to mechanical power i.e., to drive the propeller and the ship will propel. The turbine used may be gas turbine or hydraulic turbine which depends on the speed of the ship should advance.

How much power do you get from a steam turbine?

The power output of a steam turbine depends on various factors such as turbine size, steam pressure and temperature, and efficiency. Large steam turbines in power plants can generate hundreds of megawatts of electricity, while smaller turbines in industrial settings may produce tens to hundreds of kilowatts.

What is the engine capacity or horse power of a large ship?

140000 horse power ship engin