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it depends on where you go to get it fixed.

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Q: How much does it cost to fix a tire monitor?
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How do you fix a tire monitor?

you don't. you replace it.

How much will it cost for automotive tire repair?

The average cost to have a tire repaired is between $10-$20 depending upon where you go. However, some repair shops will fix it for free if you bought your tire from them.

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Depends on the model and how many are aligned..Anywhere from 50 to 119 dollars.

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Need more info. It can be $5 for a Tire valves to $2000 from bent valves/damaged pistons.

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What is the average cost to plug patch repair a Tractor Trailer tire?

The cost to plug and patch a tractor trailer tire averages about $25 depending on where you go. The cost of the repair may vary depending on where you live and who you have fix it.

If a laptop Monitor breaks is there a way to replace it without buying a whole new laptop and if so how much money would it cost to replace or fix?

If the laptop is no longer under warranty, the cost of fixing the monitor would likely be more than the cost of the laptop. However, you can connect the laptop to any desktop monitor, you just need to buy a simple connector you can get at most any computer store, and you could also buy a used desktop monitor for very little.

How much should a brand new tire cost?

Any local mechanic or other worker or shop in the area should be able to fix your problem. Try the different independent and franchise shops in the area or phonebook to find one to fix the cable.