In the range 2,000 to 2,500
About $500 every time you turn around.
Depends on the type of trailer you are pulling but for the most yes 8 wheels on the trailer 8 drive tires on the rear of the truck 2 steer tires there you have your 18 wheeler If you re using Super singles ( the single wide tires), then just 4 tires.
Depends on which engine it has.
300 to 650hp
18, unless the drive and/or trailer axles run 'super singles' on each side, rather than two 275s or 285s on either side.
Depends on what the fuel consumption of your vehicle is. As is, we have no idea if you're driving a Prius or an 18 wheeler.
That depends on the weight, and whether you're simply over weight on a set of axles, or over your gross weight.
The norm will be between 22 and 25 tons.
22 to 25 tons, typically.