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not as many as the car crashes in the world as people crash without wearing a seat belt. that's all I know

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Q: How many people survive a car crash due to wearing a seat belt?
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Related questions

Can you fly out the windshield in a crash?

yes if your not wearing a seat-belt

Can you fly out of the winshield of a car in a crash?

yes if your not wearing a seat belt

What are the consequences of NOT wearing a seat belt?

Well the chances of you dieing in a car crash are raised

Why is a car crash dangerous to a person not wearing a seat belt?

'cuz you'll fly out the window. and also in some cars if you're not wearing seatbelt occupant protection sistem will not work in minimized crash situations.

Why is wearing a seat belt on a bus important?

because the bus is big and you wear a belt it is safty even when the bus crash you might not get hurt. constance's answer

What speed of a crash would cause whiplash or contusions of the neck and arm while wearing seat belt?

25mph or more

Is it possible to survive in asteroid belt between mars and Jupiter in a space shuttle?

yes, if you do not crash into an asteroid and die immediately

How many people when not wearing their seat belt die when getting in a crash?

Between 90 and 95 percent. A big killer is people unrestrained in the rear of the car. During impact they are launched forward and crush those in the front seats.

How many people are killed from not wearing a seat belt?


How many people were in the hospital when they didn't were a seat belt?

Generally no one in a hospital is wearing a seat belt.

How many people die while wearing seat belt?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics for 2008, 10,691 people who died in auto crashes were wearing their seat belt.

What is the top excuse for not wearing a seat belt?

The top excuse for not wearing a seat belt is the fact that people do not like to feel restricted. They want to be able to move around in the seat.