Fuel will last only about a month (even that's pushing it) add a bottle of fuel stabilizer (available at your local hardware store) and the fuel will be good for "almost ever"
Fuel stabilizer protects the engine from decay when it isn't being used.
The purpose of fuel stabilizer is to keep the gas from going bad. Once it is bad then it is too late. Using old gas will just cause it to varnish inside the combustion chamber and carburetor. Use fresh gas. Good luck.
Gasoline starts to go bad after 30 days. Without the use of a fuel stabilizer you can use it for up to 3 months but it will loose some performance. This is assuming it was stored in a sealed container full with very little air space. But if you pour in a good fuel stabilizer you can easily use fuel that has been stored for 1 year. After 1 year, I would not use this fuel at all unless you mix it at a 1 to 10 ratio with fresh fuel.
yes, if fuel is going to sit for extended periods you need to add fuel stabilizer to it
Unless u try a fuel stabilizer, i dunno what to tell ya.
Bad fuel. Fuel will possibly jell, clogging the carbs when it sit for a while. Need to be cleaned. Replace bad fuel first, don't simply add good fuel to bad. Try again. Each winter or long non driving spell 3 weeks or more: Fill tank with fuel, add stabilizer, turn off fuel, start engine, let it die - run out of fuel.
Nothing except possibly a fuel stabilizer if you're going to store the vehicle. You may also want to add a good fuel injector cleaner such as Seafoam or Techron once a year.
The best way to store a motorcycle for several months is to add a fuel stabilizer to a full tank of fuel. Then run the engine a few minutes so the stabilizer gets circulated. Change the oil and filter and flush and refill coolant if equipped. It's also best to check any other fluids such as gear oils or primary lube. (if it has a separate primary)
Add fuel stabilizer to your gas tank to allow for easy starting after storage.