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Petrol, diesel, LPG, CNG - there are fossil fuels and when you burn them you emmit enormous quantities of CO2.

Biofuels - biodiesel (the most popular) is oil from common plants or oil from a restaurant kitchen. When you burn it, it does not emmit these huge quantities of CO2.

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Q: How does the use of biofuel reduce air pollution?
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What reduces air pollution?

As humans, we can reduce air pollution by limiting our use of energy and polluntants.

Do you use biofuel?

source:( use biofuels because they do not make as much pollution as normal fuels.

What action did the Singapore government do to reduce air pollution?

by increasing the prices of cars so that someone would if afford than buy a car to reduce air pollution and to use bycle

What are people doing to help reduce air pollution?

They are stoping the use of vehicals

What are to methods industries use to reduce air pollution?

The first method to reduce air pollution Industries should plant trees around their environment instead of deforestation.The second method to avoid air pollution is the industries should not burn more fuels that can harm the environmentThey give bicycles for people to use, and they use scrubbers

How can industrialists help to reduce air pollution?

Industrialists can help to reduce air pollution by reducing their use of fuel products that produce smoke and soot. These fuel products cause smog and damage the environment.

What are two methods industries use to reduce air pollution?

The first method to reduce air pollution Industries should plant trees around their environment instead of deforestation.The second method to avoid air pollution is the industries should not burn more fuels that can harm the environmentThey give bicycles for people to use, and they use scrubbers

What can we as citizens do to reduce airpollution?

To reduce air pollution, citizens can choose to use their cars less and use either public transport or bikes to reduce air pollution. Citizens can also recyle more of their waste to keep them out of landfills which eventually produce dangerous methane gas.

How can industrialists help to reduce pollution?

Industrialists can help to reduce air pollution by reducing their use of fuel products that produce smoke and soot. These fuel products cause smog and damage the environment.

How you can reduce air pollution?

You can reduce air pollution by using public transportation, carpooling, biking, or walking instead of driving alone. You can also support clean energy sources like solar and wind power, and reduce energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances and reducing waste. Additionally, planting trees and advocating for government policies to reduce pollution can also help lower air pollution levels.

What is 3 possible solutions to stop pollution?

It is impossible to stop pollution. You cannot people to use air conditioner or cars. You can reduce pollution. You can practise the 3'R with are reduce, reuse and recycle, to reduce all the type of pollution. Use electrical cars example hybrid cars to reduse air pollution. Throw rubbish in a proper place example in rubbish bin, to reduce land pollution, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and the spread of diseases like influenza A H1N1. Actually there are more than 3 ways to reduce pollution. You can find them in other web sites.

What are 2 ways car manufactures are using to reduce air pollution?

Most manufactures do it. They use catalic converters.