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"Engine Coolant" is a widely used term, and partially a misnomer in my opinion. What most commercially available coolants or antifreezes do is to raise the boiling point, and lower the freezing point of the water solution (straight antifreeze or coolant should never be used) in the cooling system. If you've taken basic chemistry you'll know that any water soluble compound will perform this same task when dissolved in water. Straight water will cool a vehicle sufficiently; however, most coolant or antifreeze has additives to reduce electrolysis and galvanic corrosion in the engine, which is caused by the constantly moving water and incompatible metals that are used to build the engine. But simply, the water solution circulates through engine by means of a pulley driven water pump where it absorbs heat and eventually flows into the radiator. The radiator has small tubes that flow through rows of metal vanes which direct air around the tubes, cooling the water, and returning it to the engine. Hope this answers your question, and isn't too long winded.

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Q: How does engine coolant work?
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What type of engine coolant do you use for a 1999 Toyota 4Runner?

Any brand coolant will work.

How does the coolant reservoir work?

when the engine is running and coolant will become hot to its operating temperature,the cooling system is under pressure,coolant will overflow and goes to coolant reservoir.when the engine goes cold coolant will go back to the rediator.

How does the engine coolant does this work?

When the engine heats up to a certain temperature, the thermostat opens up and lets the coolant flow through the engine. Heat from the engine is absorbed by the coolant, which then cycles back to the radiator. Heat from the coolant is exchanged to the air which flows through the radiator fins, thus causing the coolant to rapidly cool down.

How does a car radiator system work?

A car radiator system works by circulating coolant through the engine to absorb heat. The heated coolant then flows through the radiator, where it is cooled by airflow from the outside. As the coolant cools, it returns to the engine to continue the cooling cycle.

Do block heaters and coolant heaters work the same?

yes in a way. block heaters heat the coolant in the block there for warming the block up. coolant heaters heat the coolant out side the engine like in the hoses and radiater. and when the coolant gets hot enough it opens the thermosate and starts flowing through the engine..The coolant heater should be hooked into the engine so that it heats only the engine and the heater core. If the coolant heater is trying to heat the radiator then it will not work very well to heat the engine, you would need a lot of BTUs to heat the radiator as it will shed all that heat to the air that is surrounding it.

Will low coolant cause a cars heater to not work?

Yes. The coolant carries the engine heat to the heater core. Without coolant the heater core does not get warm.

What would cause a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am's engine temperature gauge to not work?

Coolant Temperature Sensor

Why coolant leaks when engine is off but heat wont work when engine running?

The heat is not working because you are very low on coolant, probably because of the leak. Seems to me that it should leak worse when it is running, so I am going to assume you are talking about the coolant overflowing the reservoir, in which case goes back to you being low on coolant and the engine boiling the coolant.

Why engine heats up too quickly when on the highway?

you prob need to have your coolant checked out because when you work your engine the coolant is what keeps it at a good level so you should have the mixture of coolant to water checked out it should be 50/50

What do you put in the coolant container in the engine of a van?

Engine coolant.

Why does my vw golf engine cut off when it gets warm?

engine coolant temperature sensor is faulty. engine coolant temperature sensor is faulty. engine coolant temperature sensor is faulty. engine coolant temperature sensor is faulty. engine coolant temperature sensor is faulty.

Where is the ECT sensor located in a 2002 GTI?

G2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) SensorG2 Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) SensorG32 Engine Coolant Level (ECL) SensorG32 Engine Coolant Level (ECL) SensorG32 Engine Coolant Level (ECL) Sensor