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it affects lungs

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Q: How does car fumes affect asthma?
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Do the fumes of a car affect the human body?


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If the air is heavy with fumes and smog, riding through it isn't particularly pleasant. Some may even experience asthma.

Can you get adult onset asthma from inhaling airbag fumes?

There is no actual cause of asthma except that its usually inheretied. Inhaling fumes of any kind on a long term bacis can not be good for you.

Can fumes affect certain people?

Certain fumes can affect all people. Ammonia fumes, for example, will affect everyone.

If i sleep with my window open and it is in front of car park can car fumes affect me and what are the symptoms of slow car fume inhaliation?

it depend on the car and how old it is it could lead to wore things

What is trigger asthma?

pollen, dust, fumes, running (short of breath) etc.

What is a name for car engine fumes?

Exhause Fumes.

If you have asthma does it affect how you taste and smell food?

Having Asthma doesn't affect your sense of smell and taste

What do car fumes do to the environment?

Car fumes are not very good for the environment and can cause global warming.

Is there any way of knowing whether or not asthma will affect you if it appears to have gone away?

If your asthma has gone away then it shouldn't affect you.

What hamster does not affect allergies or asthma?

If I remember hamsters don't get asthma or allergy..

Does asthma affect ones health?

Yes. People have died from asthma. Do what you can do to avoid it.