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Some battery chargers have an auto-shut-off system to stop any more charge being put into the battery when it is full. The idea of this is that it should prevent the cells from "gassing", which means "giving off an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen".

That is why smoking cigarettes - or using anything else which makes flames, such as arc-welding - near to a battery whilst it is being charged is highly dangerous.

Even so, it is still never safe to leave any kind of battery charger "on" after it has finished doing its job and the battery is fully charged.

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Related questions

How long do you need to charge your car battery using an automatic battery charger?

If it is an automatic charger let it charge until the charger shuts off.

What charger do you need for a 12v motorcycle battery?

Any good 12 volt battery charger that puts out around 10 amps. Make sure it is an automatic charger. The same charger you use on an auto battery can be used on a motorcycle battery.

How do you charge a ttr 110 motorbike battery?

With a 12 volt battery charger set to around 5 amps. Do not overcharge if it is not an automatic charger.

What keeps a battery charger from over charging a battery pack?

Most good battery chargers are automatic and will stop charging when the battery is fully charged. But if the charger is a manual charger it can overcharge the battery. With this type charger it is up to you to remove the charger when the battery is fully charged. Normally this is based on the amount of time the charger takes to charge the battery pack. Operators manual will list the time.

Can you use any car battery charger to charge a battery from an automatic car?

As long as both batteries are the same voltage, you can jump start with the battery. If you want to charge the battery then use a battery charger.

Can a 9 volt battery charger be used to charge a 4 volt battery pack?

Sort of, but any automatic cut-off won't work. You run a real risk of overcharging the battery and damage it.

How do you choose which car battery charger to buy?

Purchase an automatic battery charger of at least 10 amps output. Voltage has nothing whatsoever to do with what you choose. It is going to be a 12 volt output charger if you use it on an automobile. You want an automatic charger that will shut itself off when the battery is fully charged so you do not have to monitor the charger yourself. You can also buy a charger that can be used as a booster to jump start a car with a dead battery if you choose. The Schumacher SC-1000A battery charger is an excellent charger that will charge auto batteries and deep cycle marine batteries. It will charge at 10, 6, or 2 amps. It is fully automatic and sells for around $45.

How long should you charge?

Depends on what you are charging and the output of the charger. That is why an automatic charger is always best. No chance of overcharging the battery.

Can you leave a trickle charger on a car battery for 5 months?

Yes, that is the purpose of a trickle charger. Just make sure it is an automatic charger that comes on when needed and then stops charging when the battery is fully charged. You can leave it on a battery for years if need be.

Can a conventional battery charger correctly charge an AGM battery?

Yes, a normal charger will work just fine.

How does a 12 volt battery charger work?

A 12 volt battery charger is designed to charge 12 volt batteries.The answer to the Related Question explains how any battery charger works.

Which battery charger should you use for Toyota corolla 1999?

Any 12 volt battery charger will work just fine.