The stator inside the torque converter directs the fluid at an angle to trans. part of the torque converter amplifying the force on the vanes.
The torque converter clutch is inside the torque converter.The torque converter clutch is inside the torque converter.
The torque converter is between the engine and transmission.The torque converter is between the engine and transmission.
What is the torque converter ckt performance?
It is inside of and is part of the torque converter.
with a torque converter drainer and a bilateral smash hammer
A torque converter can cost anywhere from $129 to $249 dollars. A torque converter is what allows the transmission to shift gears.
The Torque Converter uses the same fluid as the transmission. The transmission has a filter. So, in effect...the answer is "Yes" torque converter fluid is filtered. However, the torque converter has no special fluid of its own.
On the torque converter. Do a Google search and read about torque converters.
You have to remove the transmission to replace the torque converter.You have to remove the transmission to replace the torque converter.
Replace the torque converter.