It stops you flying out of your seat through the windscreen and into the other vehicle or object. A few bruises on your chest is nothing to a face of glass and possible death.
If the seat belt pre-tensioner was activated during the accident, the assembly will require replacement.
A seat belt protects the passengers when you have a car accident.
Keeps you in the car and out of the windshield when you have an accident!
If you seat belt is faulty you should have it replaced. If it fails on you in an accident you may be killed.
Wearing a seat belt has been reported to save more lives in an accident than wearing no seat belt.
They will need replaced. The seat belt retractors have cinching devices that go off during a crash.
unbuckle the seat belt!
No way. There has been documented proof that wearing a seat belt can prevent most injuries.
If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.If wearing the seat belt properly, then no a passenger should not hit the windshield.