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I'd probably do it by smell.

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Q: How do you tell the difference between diesel and petrol?
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How can you tell the difference between diesel and petrol if you have identical jerrycans one of each?

A person can tell the difference between diesel and petrol by the smell. Diesel is going to smell more like oil. Gasoline smells more like vinegar.

How do you tell petrol from diesel in a can?

Petrol is and bit more vicous and that diesel is a lot darker than petrol. Petrol burns quicker when set alight, however diesel burns more brightly!

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the color and diesel is oily.

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The difference between the two is quit small. Normal diesel contains less oil than performance diesel. However, when they are tested side by side, no one can tell the difference of the two.

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1) Look in the manual. 2) See if it has spark plugs. If it does, petrol. If it has glow plugs instead, diesel.

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The difference is in the injectors and engine computer. You can not tell by looking at the engine.

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I don't think there is a way to visually tell the difference between leaded and unleaded fuel. However, leaded gasoline has become "extinct" and it is more likely that you have unleaded gasoline in the can.

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What is pH in petrol?

Petrol typically has a pH around 6-7, making it neutral to slightly acidic. However, the actual pH can vary depending on additives and environmental factors. It's recommended to use proper safety precautions when handling petrol due to its flammability and potential health risks.

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