Seized should mean that it's not turning. Crank the engine and see if the alternator pulley spins or not.
The drive belt on the alternator of a 94 Toyota Corolla won't turn if the bearing has seized. The alternator will need to be replaced.
The tuck will run forever.
It will not turn over.
In most cases if it is an alternator then it has an internal regulator
How to Tell If Your Car Alternator Is Bad Check related link below…
A quick way to tell if there might be a problem with an alternator is to remove the positive side battery cable from the battery while the vehicle is idling. If the engine dies, odds are there is an alternator problem.
Any auto parts store where you will go to buy a new alternator can tell you what you need.
More than likely incorrectly aligned or buckled pulley or overtightened or seized pully
your ingine will make a sound and then wont start or turn over,
Something to do with the alternator.
The A/C clutch only engages when the A/C is on, so unless the pump is seized and you don't want to fix it, there is no reason to put on a "short belt". The belt that runs the A/C also runs the alternator so if the compressor is seized you would need a shorter belt to drive the alternator. The best way to measure would be to adjust the alternator bolt/bracket midway or slightly shorter and measure with a string and find a belt that is close.
you could pull off your positive battery cable if it stalls out then you alternator is the problem