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below its desired voltage

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Q: How do you tell if car battery is dead or can still take a charge?
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What would cause a battery not to take a charge?

Dead cell in battery, replace it.

Can you fix battery that wont charge?

No. A battery that will not take a charge has a dead cell. It cannot be repaired and must be replaced.

What should you do your battery keeps losing its charge over night and you have checked all the fuses?

Fully charge your battery then take off cables. If still charged after sitting unhooked overnight, then you have a short somewhere and need to take to an electrician. If the battery is dead after sitting unhooked, buy a new battery.

How do you turn your kobo on when it is completely dead and will not take a charge?

Replace the battery?

Can you charge your car battery on a trickle charger?

Yes, but it will take a very long time if the battery is dead.

How much time does it take a car alternator to charge a battery?

It varies depending on how much other electronics you are using on the vehicle at the time. Could take hours. I do not recommend you charge any dead battery with the alternator if you can avoid it. it puts too much of a strain on the alternator and may damage it. Charge a dead battery with a battery charger.

How do you get a 12 volt battery with a dead cell to take a charge?

Pull the tops of the battery off and pour sterilized water in he open ports. Then charge the battery as normal. If it doesn't hold the charge then you need to replace the battery.

88 ninja 750r won't charge what could it be'?

If the battery wont take a charge, the cells are dead. replace with a new battery. Good Luck

Can you charge a dead battery by getting a second car that is running take the good battery out of the running car and put the dead battery into the running car as a means of charging it?

No, this will place a very heavy load on the alternator of the car and may result in burning out the diodes of the car charging the battery. You could easily ruin the alternator. Purchase a battery charger and charge the dead battery with that. Alternators are not made to charge dead batteries.

When a car battery is 'dead' what does it need?

Recharging unless it has a dead cell or will not take a charge. In that case it needs replacing.

How do you know when a car battery is bad?

When it will not hold a charge nor take a charge it is defective. Of course something might be on pulling power from the battery. Any light or stuck relay. Disconnect the negative battery cable, charge the battery with a battery charger and let it sit overnight. The next day if the battery is still charged it is ok and you have something pulling power from the battery. If it ran down the battery has a dead cell and is defective.

Will the PlayStation 3 wireless controller still work if the battery does not take a charge?

No, the PlayStation 3 wireless controller will not still work if the battery does not take a charge. The controller will not have enough power to connect to the console.