Get a donor car and use it's battery to start your car. You will need a set of quality jumper cables. Or you can charge the dead battery on the car for about 2 hours with a good 10 amp battery charger.
If your car battery is dead, you will not be able to start your vehicle without a jump using jumper cables. When the car won't start and the lights on the dash aren't working, it is most likely your battery.
Dead battery ?
from a dead battery to working battery
Do you mean "jump start"? If so, yes- it requires a car with a good battery, and a set of jumper cables- connected the RIGHT way between the two vehicles. With older vehicle, it was possible to "push start" the car with the dead battery- but with modern electronics, and a completely dead battery, will not work.
the only way to start a car when the remote key is dead is to start it by putting the key into the ignition.
Sounds like the battery has a dead cell
Dead battery or dirty/loose battery connection.
spark plug or battery dead
Try start the car. Check the voltage.
Dead battery.
Dead battery, car will not start
No, You do not need a key fob to start a car. When starting a car, you put the key in the ignition and turn. Power comes from car battery, not from the key fob battery!