Unplug the battery for a night, resets the whole car. However and do need to ask why you want to reset the engine light? Another answer is to buy the $100 computer readers from Advanded Auto Parts. GIEL.
why or how do i find the brake light switch on my 1997 nissan 200sx. how do i chane it out.
How does one reset service engine light on 2000 Nissan Quest Thanks Bill
There are several reasons why a service engine light comes on in a 2005 Nissan Pathfinder. A few reasons could be a loose gas cap or the fuel sensor.
There could be several reasons why a Nissan Sentra service engine light is coming on. The car may need an oil change, tune up, or there could be a major engine problem.
A service engine soon light on a Nissan Pathfinder can mean many things. There could be a bad spark plug or even an engine malfunction. A mechanic can run a diagnostic check to see what the problem is.
Yes, may read service engine soon, check engine, .....
Emissons problem
Its not a symbol. It will say "Service Engine Soon."
Could be the knock sensor.
How do i reset my service light on my 2004 Nissan
Have vehicle scanned to determine the problem
If your 2005 Nissan Frontier has a full tank but the fuel indicator shows empty and the service engine light is on, you may need the computer or the "brain" reset or replaced. You can take the truck to a garage or to the Nissan dealer to have this done.