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You Don't it's that simple. Fuel injected car's use Trottle bodies.

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Q: How do you replace trottle body to carburetor?
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Where is the erg on a 1999 Mazda Protege?

under the trottle body

What kind cleaner is for cleaning a trottle body?

The container will say "throttle body cleaner".

22hp B and S engine with loss of power and black smoke when trottle applied or mowing deck engaged?

The spark plug is dirty, clean or replace it. Also clean or replace the air filter. If problem persists afterwards, close (turn clockwise) the carburetor needle valve 1/8 turn.

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98 Dodge van does not have a carburetor-it has a throttle body= no float

Can you replace the throttle body fuel injectors with a carburetor in a 2.8 Chevy v6?

Yes, it can be done, but why in the world would you want to replace a system that is more efficient, will yield better mileage, quicker starts, better performance, with a carburetor? Fuel Injection is superior to a carburetor in every way.

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trottle body

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how long does it take to replace a carburetor on a chevy truck?

Can I replace my carburetor with a throttle body on an 86 Pontiac Grand Prix?

You would have to do a full conversion to Fuel Injected. This means that you would have to replace the head.

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its located in the trottle body

Where is the Mitsubishi Lancer EGR valve?

Just Under Intake (Trottle Body)

Is it hard to replace a 96 ford contour carburetor?

If it had a carburetor , it wouldn't be hard to replace - it's fuel injected

Where is a throttle position sensor located on a 1993 Honda Civic DX?

on the trottle body toward the firewall....look on the back of it...its a 3 wire sensoron the trottle body toward the firewall....look on the back of it...its a 3 wire sensor