Use Hyundai SPIII in transaxle and power steering system.
castrol import vehicle
you need a wiring diagram, trace power and ground and check where problem might be
under the hood
$500-$600 w/ the dealer. They have to pull the radiator out to get down to the alternator underneath it. Happened to me.
On the 3.5L engine it is inside of the timing cover. follow the wire that plugs in on top of the engine and through the timing cover which goes to the sensor. easier to get to if you get the power steering fluid reservoir out of your way.
· XG350 (Hyundai) · XJ6 (Jaguar)
A crankshaft sensor, on a Hyundai XG350, can be installed by simply plugging the new sensor into the slot of the old sensor. The sensor can be located on the back of the engine cover.
If you need to change the transmission fluid in your Hyundai XG350, it's best to have a trained, certified technician perform the service for you. However, if you want to attempt to change the fluid on your own, you first remove the drain plug, allow the fluid to drain completely, replace the plug, and add the new fluid in the dipstick hole.