First you will have to pull the instrumentation. Its an easy few Phillips screws and its out. In the back of the cluster there is a white clip that holds the cable to the cluster. You must squeeze 2 plastic parts to allow it to release.
Cable goes through the firewall and down to the tranny. At the transmission it is held in by a 10mm bolt. The cable sometimes have a split in the middle. The split is easily opened. It is a large knurled nut if I remember. Once this nut is loosened then it is easier to pull the 2 parts out.
Good luck!
on the 94 aspire the speed cable connects to the speedometer and goes through the firewall and to the wheel
possible cable Remove from transmission and check if in one piece - if not remove speedometer head and replace cable to transmission and head
If you have a electrical speedo you don't have a cable. Change the speed sensor in the trans.
There is no cable.. its electronic
Replace the speedometer cable. Better yet, replace the car. I had this problem in my 94 acclaim. Somehow it had gotten severed and no new part was needed. Take it to a mechanic you trust and all it will cost you is labor. No need to replace the car.
Most likely it will be a cable speedometer...I don't own a 94 350 so I can't say for SURE, but I do own a 2003 Big Bear 400 and it's a cable speedometer.
My 94 had the same problem. Had to replace cluster. Got one off ebay for $40.
I had 91 crx with the rpm needle would jump around sometimes. Then my distributor went out and I replace it and the problem did not come back. ---------- The speedometer cable probably needs to be lubricated with graphite powder. Don't know how to access the cable though. I have the same problem on my 94 si, but strangely, the odometer does seem to be working fine.
you may need to replace some fuses check the box
No the 93 camaro used the 4l60 the 94 used a 4l60e so in 93 it had a cable that ran from the transmission to the intake mainifold for the speedometer and for passing gears on the 94 all this was electric so they have completely different wiring on them. I own a 94 and made the mistake of buying one out of a 93 and it will not work trust me
175 pounds