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Remove 2 screws securing each wheel arch liner and 2 screws behind each liner, 6 screws along top edge, 2 plastic nuts on bottom edge. Good luck, spradders.

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Q: How do you remove the rear bumper on a 2007 Ford S-Max?
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How do you Change brake light bulb s max?

Assuming this a Ford Smax you are talking about - I struggled for a while - until it became clear. Here is my posting from the the lower brake light bulb on a Ford Smax is far easier than on first inspection. As the owners manual states both panel covers beside the brake light need to be removed but what the manual doesn't tell you is that a grey plastic foam panel behind the larger panel must also be removed (careful as it is easy to tare). This comes out easily as there no clips etc holding it in. Now two white plastic wing nuts should be visible both behind the small panel. The first wing nut is accessed via the small panel opening, and the second wing nut is accessed via the much large opening once the large plastic foam panel is removed. The wing nuts once unscrewed come away (i.e. do not stay in place) so be careful you don't lose them into the interior of the wing. The whole lamp must now be removed. This is very easily achieved by gently pushing on the wing nut screws you have just exposed. Once the lamp unit is free on the exterior, the short electric cable to it, needs to be disconnected by pressing on the top release. To expose the bulbs, the single screw on the bulb holder needs to be removed. The brake bulb is a 380 12V 21/5W. Price €3.70 for a pair in Halfords. Take care not to touch the bulb when inserting. Follow these instructions in reverse order to replace the unit.The original answer is below.Normally you need to remove the tailight housing to gain access. Usually there are screws that can be accessed from the outside. Once you do this you may need to turn the "bulb holder" while pushing in. This should release the bulb holder from the tailight housing. Then you may need to do the same thing to get the bulb out and replaced. Then reverse the process for installation.If you want to change the central brake light the user manual says use a screwdriver to release the clips, this is incorrect. Having just changed the bulb on my wife's S-Max I can advise that the stainless steel clips need to be pinched together using your fingers and the whole lens assembly including the clips pushes out through the body of tailgate. Good luck!Read more: How_do_you_replace_the_tailgate_brake_light_in_a_ford_s_max

How do you disable the alarm on a 2007 Ford S Max?

I don't think you can! I have the same model and year and my alarm module decided to go haywire last week in the dead of night, it was going off every 30 seconds but there were no flashing indicator lights. It was so frustrating. I searched on the SMAX Owners club people on there suggested pulling fuse F26 from the main fuse board under the glove box but then later reported it still went off because the module has a battery back up installed that is designed to power the alarm if the battery lead is cut so even disconnecting the battery may not stop it going off. The alarm is configured in such a way as you can only select via the settings menu to change the protection level as you exit the car and lock it. As soon as you lock the car the alarm is activated. I tried in vain to stop it going off using these settings, made no difference. You could have the alarm de-installed but it could have implications on the ECU software and could require a re-program. I thinks alarms are a waste of time and pain when the go wrong, no one ever takes notice of them, I even ignored mine last week to start with as I didn't even think it was mine going off. If someone wants to steal from the car or the car itself no alarm will protect against the most determined thieves.

A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff at a speed of 15 ms and strikes the ground 45 meters from the base of the cliff How high was the cliff?

Using the equation y = 1/2 * g * t^2, where y is the height of the cliff, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and t is the time taken for the ball to reach the ground. Given that the horizontal distance is 45m and the horizontal speed is 15 m/s, you can calculate the time taken for the ball to reach the ground. Then, use the time to find the height of the cliff.